Sweet & Coffee locations Data: Interactive Dashboard
Building on the Sweet & Coffee Location: Web Scraping project, the data obtained through web scraping on Google Maps was used to create an interactive map on Tableau.
The map on Tableau displays Sweet and Coffee's locations around Guayaquil, each represented by a pin or a marker with the store's name, rating, and address. The interactive features of Tableau allow users to filter the locations by rating, zoom in on a specific area, and view additional information about a store by clicking on its marker.
This project is useful for coffee lovers, tourists, or anyone interested in exploring Guayaquil's coffee scene. The interactive map on Tableau allows users to quickly and easily identify the locations of Sweet and Coffee stores, view their ratings, and plan their visit accordingly.
BI Tool(s): Tableau.
Database Source: Sweet & Coffee Dataset
Project Source: Tableau File Project
Full Visual: Sweet & Coffee Stores Distribution at Guayaquil